Stop Being a Boring Speaker | Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore India

I yawn.
I snap my fingers.
I look outside the window.
I look at my watch.
I check my emails.
That's what I do when I have to sit in the audience listening to a boring presentation being delivered by someone...boring.
I don't care if that person has a lot of credentials.
I don't care if that person knows "a lot."
I don't care if that person is CEO of XYZ.
Who cares about all that?
We crave for connection.
Understand this:
Knowledge is NOT equal to connection.
In order to arrest the attention of the audience, you MUST connect with them...before you inform/inspire/educate.
For last 12 years I've been helping big companies & corporate executives become world-class speakers so they can take their influence, impact & income to the next level.
What that means to you is that you don't have to go through the YEARS of trial & error for being a world-class speaker. If I choose to help you and if you're open to my guidance, I can help you become one.
So here are 5 tips for you to STOP being a boring speaker:
Tip #1: First Impression.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. If you want people to be magnetized to your message, hook them within the first 7 seconds.
Tip #2: Engagement.
If I ask you a question, you'd answer, right? Yep! People love to be asked, when it's done correctly. So ask questions to the audience (short and long). Ask many rhetorical questions too. It helps the audience engage with your presentation and that's when they STAY with you instead of checking their phone silently.
Tip #3: Delivery (voice & body language).
In the world of netflix, people's attention span is low like most manager's character. In order to retain their attention, you must use dynamic body language (it does NOT mean just using hands and gestures). You must learn to STRATEGICALLY use voice too. Tone. Pitch. Depth. Volume. Pace. You must have all things synced or else they will yawn. Whhhhhhaaayyyy haammmm.
Tip #4: Spontaneous speaking.
Any monkey can go home and prepare points for a meeting. But what do you do when that senior throws a difficult question with a smirk on his face? Do you stand there like a candle? Or do you know how to dance with that question by answering POWERFULLY?
Tip #5: Conclusion matters. A lot.
"Bishal, my ending is now powerful."
"Bishal, I feel I rush and end my presentation."
"Why is my conclusion always so abrupt?"
Because most people don't know HOW to end their presentations the RIGHT WAY. During rhe live workshop, we talk about 6 creative ways to end your presentations so that audience leaves energized, engaged & engrosses--- they talk about YOU positively even after going back home.
I love what Leonardo DiCaprio once said:
"Every next level of your life will demand a different you."
If you're ready for the next level, I'd be honored to guide you to make you a world-class speaker, world-class professional & a world-class human being.
That's all for today.


About the author: Bishal Sarkar, popularly known as “THE KING OF CONFIDENCE”, is called the best motivational speaker of Bangalore India. Bishal is the creator of “Present like a Champ Boot Camp” (The Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore) where he teaches the participants the step-by-step easy-to-follow process of public speaking success. He regularly speaks to professionals, youth groups, corporate groups, and trains people from various walks of life and brings out the excellence within them. As the author of the book “I Love Public Speaking”, Bishal now teaches professionals how to overcome fear of public speaking and deliver powerful presentations using the proven formula of speaking & presentation success, through his public speaking courses & communication skills classes in Bangalore. He also helps aspiring speakers by teaching them How to become a motivational speaker in India. People say that he has designed the best presentation skills classes & public speaking workshops in Bangalore. For enrolling in Bishal Sarkar’s Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore, call us on +91-88803-61526.


India’s Public Speaking Expert | +91-88803-61526

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